Local Business

Empowering the backbone of our community through strategic digital solutions.

Boosting the visibility and growth of community-based enterprises through tailored digital marketing and branding solutions.

We believe thriving local businesses are essential to vibrant, healthy communities, and we're committed to helping you scale and succeed.

Brand Story Videos:

Captivate your audience with compelling visual narratives that showcase the heart of your business:

  • Highlight your unique purpose and values

  • Engage customers on an emotional level

  • Perfect for websites and social media platforms

  • Draw people into the meaning behind your products or services

Social Media Management:

Eliminate the overwhelm of digital marketing with our comprehensive, retainer-based service:

  • Strategic content creation and curation

  • Consistent brand building through targeted posts

  • Engagement management and community building

  • Ongoing strategy refinement based on performance data

  • Allows you to focus on running your business while we grow your online presence

Start advertising your business

Make a big impact in a small timeframe with our attention-grabbing short-form ads:

  • Ideal for social media platforms and digital advertising

  • Concise, powerful messaging that resonates with your audience

  • Option to pair with our media buying services for expanded reach

  • Strategic ad placement across various digital platforms

  • Budget optimization to maximize your ROI

  • Detailed analytics and performance reports

  • Continuous refinement of targeting and messaging

Our Commitment to Local Businesses:

We understand the challenges local businesses face in the digital age, and we're here to help you not just compete, but thrive.

  • Tailored strategies that fit your unique needs and budget

  • Focus on sustainable growth and long-term success

  • Dedication to preserving the character of our local community

  • Ongoing support and guidance as your business evolves

Our Services Include:

  • Website design and optimization

  • Social media management

  • Email marketing campaigns

  • Video production and storytelling

  • Virtual event planning and execution

By combining your local expertise with our digital marketing prowess, we'll create a powerful strategy to elevate your brand, connect with your community, and drive sustainable growth.


Our 4 Step Process

A simple and proven way to get results


We help you discover stories that help you reach your goals.


We help you design the look and feel of your messaging.


A collaborative process of directing each project.


We help you reach your goals with a process and plan for outreach.

Recent Articles


The Power of Storytelling in DEI: Driving Sustainable Change

July 27, 20244 min read

The Power of Storytelling in DEI: Driving Sustainable Change Through Narrative

Hey there, change-makers and diversity champions! Ever wondered why some DEI initiatives

stick while others fizzle out? The secret sauce might just be storytelling. In this deep dive, we'll

explore why sharing diversity stories is crucial for achieving lasting DEI success and how you

can harness this powerful tool in your organization. So, grab a cup of coffee, and let's get into it!

Why Storytelling Matters in DEI

First things first - let's talk about why stories are such a big deal in the world of Diversity, Equity,

and Inclusion (DEI).

The Human Connection

We're wired for stories. They help us connect, empathize, and understand experiences different

from our own. When it comes to DEI, stories can bridge gaps and build understanding like

nothing else.

Beyond the Numbers

Sure, data is important. But numbers alone don't inspire change. Stories bring those statistics to

life, showing the real impact of DEI initiatives on actual people.

Driving Emotional Engagement

Stories tap into our emotions, making DEI initiatives more than just corporate mandates. They

help create genuine buy-in across all levels of an organization.

The Impact of Diversity Stories on Organizational Culture

Now, let's dig into how sharing these stories can transform your workplace culture.

Fostering Empathy and Understanding

When employees hear diverse experiences from their colleagues, it opens their eyes to different

perspectives. This increased empathy can lead to more inclusive behaviors across the board.

Challenging Unconscious Bias

Stories have a unique power to make us question our assumptions. By sharing diverse

narratives, we can help employees recognize and address their own biases.

Creating a Sense of Belonging

When people see themselves represented in company stories, it reinforces that they belong and

are valued. This sense of belonging can significantly boost employee engagement and retention.

Types of Diversity Stories to Share

Alright, you're convinced about the power of storytelling. But what kind of stories should you be

sharing? Let's break it down:

Personal Journeys

Encourage employees to share their personal experiences with diversity, inclusion, or

overcoming challenges. These stories can be incredibly powerful and relatable.

Success Stories

Highlight examples of how DEI initiatives have positively impacted individuals or teams within

your organization. Success breeds success!

Ally Stories

Share stories of allyship and how individuals have supported colleagues from underrepresented

groups. These stories can inspire others to become active allies.

Customer/Client Diversity Stories

Don't forget about the impact of diversity on your customers or clients. Their stories can

demonstrate the business value of DEI.

How to Collect and Share Diversity Stories

Great, you're ready to start storytelling. But how do you actually go about collecting and sharing

these narratives?

Create Safe Spaces

Set up forums, focus groups, or one-on-one sessions where employees feel comfortable

sharing their experiences.

Use Multiple Channels

Share stories through various mediums - company newsletters, intranet, team meetings, and

even social media (with permission, of course).

Leverage Technology

Consider using video testimonials or podcasts to bring stories to life in a more engaging way.

Train Storytellers

Offer guidance on effective storytelling techniques to help employees share their experiences in

a compelling way.

Overcoming Challenges in DEI Storytelling

Let's be real - sharing personal stories about diversity isn't always easy. Here are some

common challenges and how to address them:

Fear of Vulnerability

Encourage a culture of psychological safety where sharing personal experiences is valued and


Legal Concerns

Work with your legal team to establish guidelines for storytelling that protect both the individuals

and the company.

Avoiding Tokenism

Ensure that storytelling is part of a broader DEI strategy, not just a one-off initiative to tick a box.

Handling Sensitive Topics

Provide support and resources for both storytellers and listeners when dealing with potentially

triggering or sensitive subjects.

Measuring the Impact of Diversity Storytelling

How do you know if your storytelling efforts are making a difference? Here are some ways to

measure impact:

Employee Surveys

Regular pulse checks can help gauge changes in employee perceptions and attitudes towards DEI.

Engagement Metrics

Track engagement with your storytelling content - views, likes, comments, and shares can

indicate resonance.

DEI Metrics

Monitor changes in key DEI metrics like diversity in hiring, promotion rates, and retention of

underrepresented groups.

Qualitative Feedback

Collect anecdotal evidence of how stories have influenced behaviors or decisions within the


The Future of DEI Storytelling

As we look ahead, storytelling in DEI is evolving. Here are some trends to watch:

Interactive and Immersive Experiences

Virtual reality and augmented reality technologies are opening up new ways to share and

experience diverse narratives.

User-Generated Content

Empowering employees to create and share their own diversity stories can lead to more

authentic and relatable content.

Integration with Learning and Development

Expect to see more DEI storytelling incorporated into formal training programs and leadership

development initiatives.

Wrapping Up: Your Call to Action

There you have it - the power of storytelling in achieving sustainable DEI success. Remember,

every story shared is a step towards a more inclusive workplace. So, what's your story? And

more importantly, how will you use storytelling to drive DEI in your organization?

Start small, be consistent, and watch as the narratives you share begin to shape a more

inclusive, empathetic, and diverse organizational culture. The time for storytelling is now - let's

make those stories count!

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